“Kristin Delaplane…is an excellent writer, a good reporter, and a dedicated worker. Her credentials are beyond doubt.”
— Herb Caen famous columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner, San Francisco Chronicle
“…she studies the possibilities and comes up with a creative solution. I have full confidence in Kristin’s abilities and in her commitment to finish any project she starts.”
— Willa Baum, Director, Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley
“In an elegantly edited and annotated memoir, Kristin Delaplane presents the still vivid Gold Rush…Ms. Delaplane comes by her writing and editing skills from personal heritage as well as hard work.”
— Dr. Kevin Starr State Librarian of California
“…can be counted on to follow through on what she promises and is always seeking ways to improve and refine her approach and methodology.”
— Ruth Gardner Begell, Director, Charles M. Schulz “Peanuts” Museum
“Kristin made the feature (Question Man) a San Francisco Bay Area Institution. I recommend her highly and predict her success in any endeavor that calls for creativity, ingenuity and self-reliance.”
— William German Editor in Chief, San Francisco Chronicle
“Kris’ talents as a writer and her qualifications as a research are first-rate. She is highly efficient and qualified. I have personally seen the family journals she has produced and recognize the amount of work and effort put forth to produce these quality publications. I have no hesitation in recommending her as being innovative, efficient and dependable.”
— Richard Rico, Publisher, Vacaville Reporter
“Thank you very much for your time, effort and consideration in helping me with my project. I shall make sure my family is aware of all the assistance you provided and recommend you to anyone indicating a need for your genealogical services.”
— Jack O’Reilly, author, Cousins and Their Adventures and Deception2
“I assume that after taking over page one you will next move into the publisher’s office. Give me a date and maybe I’ll apply to you for an assistant publisher’s job. You’re growing in the job. If the sample is indicative of a trend you are moving the Question Man into a whole new dimension.”
— Abe Mellinkoff, City Editor, San Francisco Chronicle
“Beginning in 1995 Kristin served as the oral history coordinator for the Vacaville Museum. She brought new life to the program…The contribution she will be most remembered for here will be her key role in the three year oral history project documenting the orchard industry in Solano County that culminated in an exhibit, publication, oral history collection and photographic collection. Kristin assisted in the grant-writing process, coordinated the collection of the oral history interviews, and worked with our staff and exhibit committee in producing an outstanding publication that chronicled the orchard industry in the words of those people interviewed.”
— Ruth Gardner Begell Director, Vacaville Museum
“We regarded her daily column as a valuable asset to the Gazette.”
“Over the years, your provocative feature has become a favorite of San Franciscans and has earned you the admiration of all your readers. Your man or woman on the street approach to a wide range of area events, coupled with timely interviews with major figures in the news, has made ‘The Question Man’ informative as well as enjoyable. The warmth and journalistic expertise you bring to the interview have enabled you to evoke readable responses that are both humorous and revealing.”
— President Ronald Reagan The White House
“…performed a very difficult task conducting street interviews in a highly creditable fashion.”
— Gordon Pates Managing Editor, San Francisco Chronicle
“…produced a really commendable series (‘We the Taxpayers’). We’re impressed.”
— Thomas Eastham Executive Editor, San Francisco Examiner
“…thorough and accurate in her work. It was her idea to start a history column for our newspaper, and our readers love it. I often hear praise for the column, especially from teachers, students and old-timers in our community. Kris has a real respect for history and knows how to do her homework. She has volunteered to work on other projects that I simply wouldn’t trust to other writers.
“…Kristin is comfortable doing research whether it involves thumbing through faded newspaper copies, listening to oral histories or conducting her own interviews. She is able to meld the information into cohesive pieces. She has remarkable energy and devotion when it comes to writing about and preserving history.”
“Kristin taught the importance of approaching oral history by using accepted methods to get a superior outcome. The information provided to us was very clear and succinct. The instructor was always responsive and it is nice to have an expert teaching us.”
“The skills being taught are important because this may be the one shot to document certain historical events well.”
“I appreciate all of your help and information provided. This class surpassed all of my expectations of learning about Oral History Methods. Thank you for your willingness to teach and answer my questions. If you decide to have other classes, I would appreciate your contacting me.”
“You filled every week with insightful information and helpful guidance. Can’t say I’m converted to prefer on-line over classroom but you certainly eased the way for my first time with an on-line class. Most importantly, your input was the impetus for a project that may never have proceeded beyond discussions otherwise so please share in our excitement and pride.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the class. The activities were a great help to me in designing my current project and will definitely be put to good use in future projects. I especially appreciated your critical eye and constructive comments. Thank you!”